About Us

1925 picture of the WNRDC

The West Newbury Riding and Driving Club is a small, friendly, and active organization with a strong focus of equestrian enthusiasts and the community at large.

We began as a social group in 1920. Today our mission has expanded;  to preserve and improve open space, riding and other passive recreation opportunities in West Newbury. 

WNRDC is incorporated as a Massachusetts non-profit organization Section 501(c)(3).

Membership is multi-disciplined and open to all.

WNRDC’s mission includes:

  •  Keeping and continually improving the Pipestave Hill Equestrian Area.
  • Maintaining trails in West Newbury.
  • Organizing equestrian-oriented activities.
  • Making donations to area non-profits and other organizations important to the equestrian community.
  • Providing educational opportunities.

To contact us:  boardofdirectors@wnrdc.com.