Adventure Trail – About

The goal of Adventure Trail is for all kinds of riders to have FUN on a non-competitive team trail ride. We try to design it for all ages, disciplines and riding levels.
It is a great event for family, friends, and barns.
Teams ride out between 8:30AM – 12:00PM. You will be assigned a ride time – no late arrivals accepted. If you don’t have a team we will try to find you one.
You Must Register Online in order to participate
For more information, contact
Don’t forget your Coggins!
Proceeds benefit Essex County Trail Association trail work in West Newbury.
KUDOS FROM THE PAST: “The 4 in our group thoroughly enjoyed the Adventure Trail Ride on Sunday! What a great event, and excellent for horses to have fun and to accommodate a lot of different situations and requests from their riders. Please pass on to the group who put it together that we all loved it, the trails were great, the volunteers helpful and everyone else I have talked with who also went on the ride loved it A LOT as well!”
Lisa White
Boxford, MA
What Is Adventure Trail?
The day consists of a ~3-5 mile ride through the trails and fields of the Pipestave/Mill Pond, Riverbend and Dunn Field riding areas. There will also be a variety of trail/arena obstacles set up in the Pipestave rings.
Adventure Trail is NOT timed nor scored. Travel at your own pace!
The event will be held rain or shine with the course adjusted as needed for safety.
The entire team needs to be ready to ride by their assigned ride time. In the event that a team member does not arrive by the assigned ride time, the team can decide whether to ride without the missing team member, or forfeit their entry fees.

Casual attire is perfect but helmets with a chinstrap and hard soled shoes/boots are required for safety.
We’d love to see you in costume but it’s not necessary. We do ask for no swords, shields or outrageous wings!

Check-In & Start
- Teams check-in with the Secretary
- Once mounted and ready, teams approach the Starter just before their departure time.

- At the end of the ride, teams check back in with the Secretary.