
Who We Are

Are you passionate about open space, enjoy nature and the outdoors and want to learn about horses? Then you have come to the right place!

Members of the West Newbury Riding and Driving club are the stewards of one of the last public equestrian cross-country courses in Massachusetts that includes 36 diverse and well-maintained jumps over rolling hills at the Pipestave Hill Equestrian Area. Included are two large riding rings, miles of trails and a pond for wading horses. 

Your membership and donation dollars are tax deductible and help us to maintain and preserve this idyllic gem. You do not have to own a horse or live in West Newbury to share in our mission to continue to maintain in perpetuity, this venue that provides access to equestrians, dog walkers, joggers, bird watchers and many others.

As an individual, family, junior or business member, you become a steward of the Pipestave Hill Equestrian Area. 

Why Join

The WNRDC is a community based, volunteer 501(c)(3) not for profit organization that generates public support, promotes educational opportunities and encourages the preservation of open space for the purpose of passive recreation and the benefit of the environment. Since 1919 we have been able to sustain the Pipestave Hill Equestrian Area through tax deductible member dues and generous donors like you as our only means of support.

What We Provide in Partnership with You

  • Regular meetings, often with a speaker or activity.
  • Maintenance and improvement of the Pipestave Hill Equestrian area.
  • West Newbury trail network maintenance, improvement and observation.
  • Opportunities to volunteer and learn about horses.
  • Organizing and running the Pipestave Hill Horse Trials Series.
  • Adventure Trail discounted to members and volunteers.
  • Jumper Schooling Shows.
  •  Local Equine Activities Calendar listing all local equestrian activities, all disciplines included.
  • Annual winter pot luck dinner and summer BBQ, and other social gatherings.
  • Mounted and/or unmounted clinics.
  • Donations to W. Newbury service organizations (Police, Fire, Library, Emergency Management, Open Space Committee, etc.) and other local equine organizations.

Membership Form

The West Newbury Riding and Driving Club will not accept members who have any history of animal abuse or neglect documented by the local Animal Inspector/Control Officer and/or the MSPCA.

To contact the Membership Secretary email

We cannot exist without you!

 As a volunteer, you are a vital part of our organization. 

We rely on volunteers who embrace our mission of maintaining the Pipestave Hill Equestrian Center and network of trails. 

Who are our volunteers?

  • Equestrians and non-equestrians.
  • Friends and family members of equestrians.
  • Pony Clubbers.
  • Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Eagle Scouts.
  • High School students looking for volunteer hours.
  • Garden Club members.
  • Rotary Club members.
  • Anyone interested in learning about horses or wanting to watch them in action.
  • Our two and four legged friends interested in exploring the countryside.
  • Equestrians interested in volunteering prior to competing in eventing or show jumping.
  • People who want to volunteer time instead of money.

Why volunteer?

It is a wonderful way to contribute to the community while spending time with family and friends. Volunteers form an efficient team that makes the day run well. No experience necessary! Our volunteers have the best views while discovering trails! 

What you receive for volunteering

  • Eligibility for a $10 discount on entry fees to one WNRDC event:
    • Discount may be used within a household for an entry discount. 
    • Discount is valid for 13 months following the date of service.
  • Eligibility for the annual Volunteer of the Year Award recognition.

How to volunteer or for further information

Volunteer Opportunities

It takes a village to carry out our events. Listed are some of the volunteer opportunities.

Pipestave course clean-up day

  • Raking.
  • Weed whacking.
  • Trimming.
  • Repairing jumps and painting.

Pipestave Hill Horse Trials

  • Set up of Secretary & Volunteer Tents (Sunday early morning).
  • Scribes.
  • Timers.
  • Announcers.
  • Gate stewards.
  • Fence Judges.
  • Parking attendants.
  • Set up of stadium jumps (Saturday).
  • Dressage ring setup (Saturday).

Adventure Trail

  • Parking, Crossing guards.
  • Set up and breakdown of obstacles.

Jumper Series

  • Set up and breakdown of jumps.
  • Gate steward.
  • Scorer.