Equestrian Area-Trail Use/General Rules

- Trail conditions and closures are posted on our Facebook page.
- The use of the area is at your own risk.
- Helmets are strongly encouraged when riding and safety vests when jumping.
- The rings, trails and fields are open year-round for hacking pleasure and all are welcome.
- Ride ONLY when the footing is firm enough. Be aware of ground conditions as the area is a mix of sand, dirt, and clay.
- Ride ONLY on mowed paths In the fields.
- Please remove all your hay and manure from the parking area when you leave, as we share this area with other activities.
- You are allowed to ride around the perimeters of the baseball and soccer fields.

Cross Country Course
- The XC course contains varying height non-frangible jumps on hills and flat.
- XC jumping is very different from jumping in a ring. It is never advised to attempt XC jumping without training or alone.
- The XC jumps are closed (tied off) in winter and spring for safety and footing preservation and open at the end of June when conditions allow.

Seasonal Rules
- Winter and Spring: WALKING ONLY is permitted in the fields and rings.
- Frozen ground and the hills can be dangerous. Footing may be slippery and soft, especially in certain areas.
- Jumping is not permitted.

Hay Fields
- Stay on the designated track through the hay fields so as not to damage the crop or encounter a woodchuck or rabbit hole.

Athletic Fields
- You are allowed to ride around the perimeters of the baseball and soccer fields.

Riding Rings
- The rings are for MOUNTED RIDING & HAND GRAZING ONLY to preserve the footing. Lunging is not allowed. Rings may be periodically closed due to footing conditions.
- Do NOT leave horses to graze as the fences are not field quality.
All trails can be accessed from the Pipestave Equestrian Area Main Parking Lot.
Pipestave Equestrian Area Main Parking Lot
- Park at the end of the gravel lot near the rings.
- The lot is also used for the athletic fields so can be congested when an event is going on.
Mill Pond (lower field) and Mill Pond (pond) Parking Lot
- These parking areas are not advised for large trailers due to the narrow roads in and out.
- The Mill Pond area is heavily utilized for parking by dog walkers and becomes very congested.
- The parking near the pond is not recommended as it has deep ruts and does not provide an area to turn around.